zm112, Nr. 7, 1.4.2022, (665) DISTRIBUTION OF DENTISTS, DENTAL HYGIENISTS, AND ASSISTANTS BY RACE/ETHNICITY: UNITED STATES, 2011–2015 Hispanic/Latino White Black and African American Asian American Indian/Alaska Native Native Hawaiian and other Pacific lslander Multiple/other race Note: NR= not reported. Quelle: Health Resources and Services Administration (2017) Dentists (%) 6.1 74.8 3.0 14.3 ˂0.1 NR 1.7 Dental Hygienists (%) 7.5 83.4 3.1 4.2 ˂0.1 NR 1.5 Dental Assistants (%) 22.7 62.1 6.9 5.5 ˂0.1 ˂0.1 2.1 DISTRIBUTION OF WORKING DENTISTS BY PRACTICE SETTING: UNITED STATES, 2018 Total professionally active Private practice Dental school faculty/staff member Armed Forces Other federal services (e.g., Veterans Affairs, Public Health Service, Federally Oualified Health Centers) State or local government employee Hosprtal staff dentist Graduale studenVintern/resident Other health/dental organization staff member Part-time dental school faculty/part-time private practice Notes: Some values are estimates based on the most recent data. In this table, each dentist is counted toward one category, based on primary occupation/status, although they may qualify for multiple categories. Quelle: American Dental Association, Health Policy lnstltute, unpublished data Number of Dentists 199.486 181.121 4.724 3.672 1.852 753 436 2.365 1.245 3.318 Percent of professionally active dentists 100% 90.8% 2.4% 1.8% 0.9% 0.4% 0.2% 1.2% 0.6% 1.7% DISTRIBUTION OF WORKING DENTISTS IN PRIVATE PRACTICE BY OWNERSHIP STATUS: UNITED STATES, 2018 Total professionally active in private practice Private practice – solo owners Private practice – nonsolo owners Private practice – employees/associates (nonowners) Private practice – independent contractors (nonowners) Notes: Some values are estimates based on the most recent data. In this table each dentist is counted toward one category although they may qualify for multiple categories. „Solo/nonsolo“ and „owner/nonowner“ characteristics have been reported only for dentists in private practice. Quelle: American Dental Association, Health Policy Institute, unpublished data Number of Dentists 181.121 89.655 54.548 29.875 7.043 Percent of professionally active dentists 100% 49.5% 30.1% 16.5% 3.9% ZAHNMEDIZIN | 75