Tenure-Track Clinical Professor/
Clinical Associate Professor in Restorative Dentistry
(Ref.: 201601674)
Founded in 1911, the University of Hong Kong is committed to the highest
international standards of excellence in teaching and research, and has been
at the international forefront of academic scholarship for many years. The
University has a comprehensive range of study programmes and research
disciplines spread across 10 faculties and over 140 academic departments
and institutes/centres. There are over 28,000 undergraduate and postgraduate
students who are recruited globally, and more than 2,000 members of
academic and academic-related staff coming frommulti-cultural backgrounds,
many of whom are internationally renowned.
The HKU Faculty of Dentistry is the only dental school in Hong Kong and is
the only one in Greater China that uses English as the medium of instruction.
The Faculty offers both undergraduate and postgraduate dental education
which is internationally renowned. The quality of the Faculty’s teaching and
learning, clinical service and research excellence has won global recognition
of its achievements, as evidenced by the World Number One Ranking of the
Faculty of Dentistry by the QS World University Ranking by Subject in 2016.
The Faculty also plays an important role in public and professional education,
through its knowledge exchange activities as well as in dental and oral health
research and promotion among the local and regional communities.
The Faculty is seeking a strong academic clinician with a keen interest in
clinical dentistry and teaching, as well as a passion for research. The field of
the appointee’s primary expertise is expected to be in Operative Dentistry.
Applications are invited for appointment as Tenure-Track Clinical Professor/
Clinical Associate Professor in Restorative Dentistry in the Faculty of Dentistry,
to commence as soon as possible, on a four-year fixed-term basis, with the
possibility of renewal upon mutual agreement, and with consideration for tenure
before the expiry of a second four-year fixed-term contract.
For appointment as Clinical Professor,
applicants should possess a dental
Bachelor’s degree, or equivalent; clinical specialist or equivalent status; and
a Ph.D. degree or equivalent. They should also have: (i) outstanding research
and scholarly achievements with international recognition; (ii) demonstrated
leadership in teaching and learning; (iii) leadership in Faculty and University
affairs;(iv) leadership in his/her own clinical specialty; and (v) leadership in
knowledge exchange (KE) activities with international recognition.
For appointment as Clinical Associate Professor,
applicants should possess
a dental Bachelor’s degree or equivalent; clinical specialist or equivalent status;
and a Ph.D. degree or equivalent. They should also have: (i) proven ability to
produce quality research, publications in international journals, and evidence
of local and regional recognition for scholarship and professional expertise;
(ii) demonstrated ability in undergraduate and postgraduate education,
clinical practice and research; (iii) demonstrated participation in Faculty and
University affairs; and (iv) demonstrated ability in KE activities, and leadership
in professional education programmes or community engagement.
Information about the Faculty can be obtained at
http://facdent.hku.hk/.For queries, please contact Professor T.F. Flemmig, Dean of the Faculty of
Dentistry at
flemmig@hku.hk.Applicants who have responded to the last advertisement (Ref. 201600757)
need not re-apply.
A globally competitive remuneration package commensurate with qualifications
and experience will be offered, in addition to annual leave and medical benefits.
At current rates, salaries tax does not exceed 15% of gross income. The
appointment will attract a contract-end gratuity and University contribution
to a retirement benefits scheme, totalling up to 15% of basic salary. Housing
benefits will be provided as applicable.
Applicants should send a completed application form, together with an
up-to-date C.V. to
dentalhr@hku.hk. Please indicate clearly which post
they wish to be considered for and the reference number in the subject
of the e-mail. Application forms (341/1111) can be downloaded at
http://www.hku.hk/apptunit/form-ext.doc.Further particulars can be obtained
http://jobs.hku.hk/.Closes March 31, 2017
The University thanks applicants for their interest, but advises that only
candidates shortlisted for interviews will be notified of the application result.
The University is an equal opportunities employer and
is committed to equality, ethics, inclusivity, diversity and transparency
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107, Nr. 3, 1.2.2017, (306)